The early Nineties + Rest-Berlin
Andreas Muhs is a photographer based in Berlin running on of the biggest online archives about the city. Beside his commercial work is working on free projects that also deal with Berlin. Right now there are two new books out by Andreas Muhs – „Berlin. Die Frühen Neunziger – The Early Nineties“ contains black/white photographs from die first 5 years after the wall came down and is published by Lehmstedt. „Rest-Berlin“ shows cityscapes and interiours of contemporary Berlin in colour – wastelands, empty slots, firewalls and abandoned buildings that dominated the face of the city for many dacades. Most of them will be vanished soon. This book is self-published on blurb. Parts of Rest-Berlin are on display at FENSTER61 until Oct., 10th. Tomorrow we will have a litte 5 year of FENSTER61 celebration combined with an extra exhibition of Andreas Muhs with both book mentioned above. If you are around the corner you may join us on Torstraße 61. Starts at 7 pm. You are invited.
Update: a nice article about Rest-Berlin on Spiegel Online International.