Aug 28, 2014 | Wow! Take a look at this!

I have started a new blog with my friend and colleague Pepper who is a photographer, art agent and journalist based in Berlin. Obst and Muse is in German and contains interviews with all kinds of people who have something to do with photography. Photographers, curators, photo students, critics, whatever. Let’s see how things develop. Check out the first posts here.
Apr 24, 2013 | Publications
The Leica blog published an interview with me yesterday. Something between reality and fiction.
Apr 25, 2012 | Wow! Take a look at this!
The next of my photographer interviews is published on the seconds2real blog today. Conversational partner this time: Rudi Meisel.
Apr 9, 2012 | Wow! Take a look at this!
When I was in Hamburg a few weeks ago I had the chance to meet Andreas Herzau for an extensive conversation. His new book Herzau | Moscow | Street is out now and the interview is published today on the Seconds2Real blog. Enjoy reading.
Sep 26, 2011 | Publications, Wow! Take a look at this!
There’s a weekly interview series with members of Seconds2Real street photography collective in celebration of the forthcoming exhibition in Berlin on Sara T’Rula’s blog. The following interviews have been published so far: Elisabeth Schuh, Thorsten Strasas, Andreas Stelter, Mario Cuic and – today – me. Check all interviews here.