Berlin Trilogie at Café Aroma

A big THANK YOU to everyone who attended the opening at Café Aroma yesterday. It was a very special evening for me.
Can anyone email me some pictures from the event? I only have a few taken before and after…

Café Aroma

Café Aroma

Café Aroma

The exhibition is on until October. Details.

Berlin Trilogy / Room 1

Berlin 2006

I took the weekend off to prepare my next exhibition which will take place in three rooms of Café Aroma, Berlin Schöneberg (Opening date is June 6th – check my website for details).

The first room will be some kind of “Best of Berlin” from recent years and it turns out that it will all be photos from the Berlin+Wien project that is still on exhibition in Vienna at the moment. The oldest picture in the show will be the one above. It is from 2006. It was part of my first “Urban B’Sides” exhibition five years ago but somehow I lost sight of it. Maybe I thought it was “too easy” as it was taken around some art event on a parking deck in Neukölln. It’s always strange how some images gain more importance with time while others fade away within a few month after you thought it was a great shot.

Framing images

Next exhibition: Berlin Trilogie


I’m preparing my next exhibition in Berlin at the moment. It’s going to be hosted by Café Aroma Photogalerie in Berlin Schöneberg. In fact it’s not a café but one of the best Italian restaurants in town that opened somewhen in the 80s and has a long tradition as a photo venue since then. Opening is on June 6, 8pm.

As the exhibition will be in three rooms I’m going to show a “Berlin Trilogy” – three of my latest Berlin realted works: ALEX, NACHT and some “Best of Street Photography from recent years”.

A quote from the press release….

Berlin kann ganz still sein. Auch wenn alle so tun, als befinde sich die Stadt in einem ewigen Bedeutungsrausch aus Kreativität, Party und Umsturz, finden sich doch immer genug Nischen, in denen eigentlich gar nichts wichtiges passiert. In diesen Ecken stöbert Christian Reister die ganz normalen Menschen auf: Alte und Junge, Tagträumer und Nachtschwärmer, graue Mäuschen und affektierte Selbstdarsteller. Sie bewegen sich am Rande des Geschehens, tun manchmal oft nichts und verfangen sich doch immer wieder in Situationen von wunderbar abseitiger Skurrilität. So werden sie auf Reisters Fotos festgehalten, die unter ihrer oft humorvollen Oberfläche immer auch ein wenig Melancholie in sich tragen und einen besonderen, subjektiven Blick auf das Leben im heutigen Berlin werfen.

Save the date for the opening – I’m expecting the best buffet of any opening ever!


Exhibitions 2013 – Update

Feel invited and save the dates…

NEW YORKERS at playing with eels
9.2. – 8.3. // Vernissage THIS FRIDAY, 8.2. 19h
live guest: Andreas Albrecht // Urban Soundscapes
more infos // facebook event page

REISTER + VON ASPERN: Berlin <=> Wien
Berlin exhibition at Burjuar
2.3. – 22.3. // Vernissage 1.3. 19 h
Vienna exhibition at Eigensinnig – Schauraum für Mode und Fotografie
2.5. – 1.6. // Vernissage 30.4. 19 h

NACHT at Hotel Bogota photoplatz, Kabinett
27.4. – end of May // Vernissage 25. OR 26.4. 19 Uhr

7.6. – September // Vernissage: 6.6. 19 h

+ something in Arles, France, in June.