Berlin Trilogy / ALEX
Room 2 will be ALEX‘s room. 40 photos – that’s almost every picture from the book. The new prints are darker and rougher. They really fit to the mood of the series, I think.
Room 2 will be ALEX‘s room. 40 photos – that’s almost every picture from the book. The new prints are darker and rougher. They really fit to the mood of the series, I think.
I’m preparing my next exhibition in Berlin at the moment. It’s going to be hosted by Café Aroma Photogalerie in Berlin Schöneberg. In fact it’s not a café but one of the best Italian restaurants in town that opened somewhen in the 80s and has a long tradition as a photo venue since then. Opening is on June 6, 8pm.
As the exhibition will be in three rooms I’m going to show a “Berlin Trilogy” – three of my latest Berlin realted works: ALEX, NACHT and some “Best of Street Photography from recent years”.
A quote from the press release….
Berlin kann ganz still sein. Auch wenn alle so tun, als befinde sich die Stadt in einem ewigen Bedeutungsrausch aus Kreativität, Party und Umsturz, finden sich doch immer genug Nischen, in denen eigentlich gar nichts wichtiges passiert. In diesen Ecken stöbert Christian Reister die ganz normalen Menschen auf: Alte und Junge, Tagträumer und Nachtschwärmer, graue Mäuschen und affektierte Selbstdarsteller. Sie bewegen sich am Rande des Geschehens, tun manchmal oft nichts und verfangen sich doch immer wieder in Situationen von wunderbar abseitiger Skurrilität. So werden sie auf Reisters Fotos festgehalten, die unter ihrer oft humorvollen Oberfläche immer auch ein wenig Melancholie in sich tragen und einen besonderen, subjektiven Blick auf das Leben im heutigen Berlin werfen.
Save the date for the opening – I’m expecting the best buffet of any opening ever!
I’m looking forward to some exhibition dates in the first half of 2013. The first one will be a group show „Der Raum dazwischen“ (the space inbetween) opening at Jan, 25th, at Kugelbahn Wedding. All I know is that there will be pictures of beds and portraits, every photographer is represented with just two photographs. As it is organized by the lovely Hanna Goldstein and Katja Klemm who are also responsible for the KLEISTER events, I think we can expect a stunning show and a nice opening party.
At Feb. 8th there will be the opening for a one month solo exhibition at playing with eels Gallery in Berlin Kreuzberg with my new street portrait series NEW YORKERS. I’m currenty working on the prints and I’m very enthusiastic about them.
One month later, on the 1st of March, my friend and Seconds2Real mate Kay von Aspern and I will open a joint exhibition with street photography from Berlin and Vienna at Burjuar which is located at the Neue Schule Für Fotografie in Berlin Mitte. We are planning to publish a catalogue along with the exhibition that will also be shown in Vienna just one month later.
Also, there are plans for a first solo exhibition of my NACHT series and another solo one that will be titled „Berlin Trilogy“ combining extracts from ALEX, NACHT and other Berlin work. Those dates are not finally confirmed but if we are lucky they will be also running in the first half of 2013.
Of course all details about all events will be posted here.
Stay tuned + happy new year!
List of all artwork (in progress)
I donated a signed copy of my ALEX book with an original photo print.
“Unter Druck – street culture” is a club for the homeless as well as for the socially marginalized. It is for people living under the breadline who are willing to promote their interests with self-made ideas and self-initiative. (read more here). I have known Unter Druck e.V. for a long time and therefor know that this is really a worthwhile project to support.
Tomorrow, 7pm: if you should be in or around Vienna, don’t miss the opening of Seconds2Real’s group show at Anzenberger Gallery. It’s the first time that I’m involved in an exhibition in Austria. I’m looking forward to a few days in Vienna meeting lots of nice people, celebrating the opening party for the 2ed Fascination Street exhibition and hopefully finding some good moments while photographing in the city. While I had some of my newer pictures in the Berlin edition of Fascination Street last autumn, the Vienna show will include some of my ALEX series from 2008-2010.
Btw: ORF published a nice article about Street Photography and Seconds2Real yesterday (German only).