The new Driftwood zine is here. It’s the tenth issue. And the seventh with “Berlin” as the subtitle. Who would’ve thought that, when I started out with Driftwood four years ago… Here are some thoughts on how it all begann, a little bit of „making of“ and a glimpse into the future.


It’s nice to publish your own zine series

When I started with the first issue of Driftwood in April 2016, I had the loose idea to publish different works, which are created “on the side” from time to time in a zine series. Number one was essentially made up of photographs, which were not taken into account in the compilation of my 2015 book “Alle Kartzen Grau”, because they didn’t want to fit into the flow of the book. Most of the pictures were in my then new photo film “The Whispering Noise” and I saw the zine format, which was new for me, as the right way to combine these 22 photos on 40 pages as a little story short story for itself.




Driftwood number 2 was a road trip issue with a compilation of photos from a 3 weeks trip through the USA – from Chicago to Santa Monica, following the historic Route 66. I have made the zine very quickly after returning to Berlin. But already with number 3 I was back in Berlin. And with No. 4 also, an issue a little bit more focused on portraits. Instead of always tackling new topics, paper, designs, Driftwood became something like a serialized novel. With the addition of Warsaw and Vienna, but then again: Berlin, Berlin, Berlin – I think I still find the most interesting pictures on my own doorstep.


Same logo, consistant style

What has remained since the first number is the lettering and a very stringent layout. A5, red Driftwood logo, everything else: black and white. And if in doubt: a little more black than white. Ever since the first issue, Driftwood was printed by SolidEarth in Berlin, in digital offset. Great people there, who really make an effort.


Direct online distribution works (on a small scale)

The distribution of the zines, which are limited to only 50 pcs., was exclusively done through my own website in the first years. No. 1 to 4 and no. 5 to 8 could be subscribed. So you would pay once and every three months there was a new Driftwood in your mailbox. I think this is a very nice form of distributing. I was very happy about each of my 36 subscribers from 12 (!) different countries all over the word. Sometimes there were goodies, a photo print or silk-screen printed envelopes.




After eight issues I needed some air and loosened the regularity. Especially since in 2018 the compilation of the book „Berlin Nights“, my first book published by an international publisher, was about to be done. In „Berlin Nights“, about 30 of the photos from the first Driftwood booklets reappear, also three from “Alle Katzen Grau”. The other half of the pictures have been published for the first time in this book.


Artist book fairs + local stores

Meanwhile, I’ve been to Art Book Fairs with my zines and books, e.g. in Berlin and Sofia. It’s always interesting to get people’s direct response to your publications. And it’s always great for new inspirations and connecting to other self-publishers. Unfortunately, however, I don’t get enough time to participate in such events internationally.

Apart from that there is exactly one shop in Berlin and one in Paris that sell the zines: the Supalife Kiosk and Yellowcube Gallery. If you want to have a look and browse through the zines – there are usually several issues available there.




And  now: the subscription model is back

While the first Driftwood numbers are sold out since a long while, I published Driftwood 9 as a single issue last autumn – without the subscription contract. And now comes issue 10: If you like, you can order the single issues in the online shop or – as at the beginning of the series – take out a subscription. Two issues now + the next two by the time they will come out. Somewhen until the end of the year.


> Order here <