Seconds2Real exhibition in Liverpool

Seconds2Real, Street Photography Collective from Austria and Germany, are exhibiting work at Bold Street Coffee, Liverpool, from today until 13th July, 2011. For any reason I don’t know, there is still no information on the Look11 Liverpool Photography Festival website about it but at least there is a blog post by Sara T’Rula who kindly organized the exhibition for us. She will also be running an interview series with all Seconds2Real photographers in the next couple of weeks. So stay tuned on ST84PHOTO blog.

Update: Look11 website is updated.

Thomas Kern Interview

There’s another interesting inteview on the Seconds2Real pages. After visiting the book presentation of A DRUG FREE LAND in Berlin I got in contact with the author Thomas Kern who was kind enough to answer questions about his book and his photographic approach. I like that book not only because of it’s powerful black/white photographs. The impact of it has a lot to do with sophisticated sequencing and a strong layout. All photographs are pinted in full size over double pages and after every little „series“ there is a white double page only showing the descriptions to the images on former pages. Read the interview here. By commenting the interview on the Seconds2Real page you get the chance to win a signed copy of A DRUG FREE LAND.