Berlin + Wien – All about the Book


Huh! It has been quite hectic getting this new baby ready for print in the last couple of weeks and YES we are in happy anticipation that everything will be in time and fresh out of the printery for this week’s opening in Berlin! Hurray! But what is this all about?

Well, it is an inspiring book about fancy summer activities.


It’s a book about life qualitiy in the two lovely cities Berlin and Vienna.


There is a 4,5 page super duper essay by the one and only Andrea Diener!


As well as some lovely philosophical lines from Nick Turpin who describes the essence of our photographic approach much better than we could do.


And of course there are 46 beautifully taken and carefully chosen photos inside! Brought to you directly from the producers!

It’s an outstanding guide on how to exercise in public…


…or to get your traffic problems solved with or without public transport.


It is definitly a PARTY HARD book!


..with lots of fashionable inspiration.


Of course, we have some urban gardening as well…


…and after all it is simply a book about the basic needs of human kind!


There will be a limited edition of numbered 100 copies only, available at the exhibitions in Berlin and Vienna for the price of € 20.
You may also order it on the web. I’ll put up an order page soon.

Finally all technical data from the indie photobook library questionaire:

Title: Berlin + Wien

Photographer/s: Christian Reister, Kay von Aspern

Texts: Andrea Diener (German) and Nick Turpin (English)

Date of publication: March 1st, 2013

Place of publication: Berlin, Germany

Dimensions: ca. 14,8 x 21 cm.

Edition: limited. 100 copies, numbered

Type of binding: hardcover, perfect binding

Type of printing: digital

Number of pages: 64

Number of pictures: 46

Printer: Buch- und Offsetdruckerei Häuser KG, Köln

Publisher: self-published by Christian Reister and Kay von Aspern

Designer: Christian Reister

Editor: Christian Reister

ISBN: nono, we are so indie that we don’t even have an ISBN

Category: Artist book

Price: 20 Euro

Summary: Street photography from Germany’s and Austria’s capital cities from 2006 to 2012. All picures from Vienna by Kay von Aspern, all from Berlin by Christian Reister.


Reister + Von Aspern: Wien + Berlin

I’m proud to announce my next exhibition that will be a duo show with my friend and partner in crime Kay von Aspern!
The exhibition will be shown in Berlin and Vienna. And, yes, we are also working on a book. Stay tuned!

Reister & Von Aspern

Event page on facebook


Berlin: Hippe Hauptstadt, improvisierter Glamour, Adlon, Berlinale, Hipster am Mauerpark, Bionade am Prenzelberg, Preußenmetropole. Und Wien: Livrierte Kellner in Kaffeehäusern, Sissi-Kitsch, Punschkrapfen, Kakanien, bleisargschwere Vergangenheit und kein Pop seit Falco.

Gegensätzlicher können Hauptstädte kaum sein, zumindest auf den ersten Blick. Aber was passiert jenseits des sorgfältig gepflegten Images? Was macht Berlin und was macht Wien aus, wenn sie nicht gerade bemüht sind, sich als Wochenendreiseziel zu verkaufen? Kann man ihre Seitenstraßen, ihre Menschen, ihre Lokale und Einkaufszentren überhaupt unterscheiden? Und jenseits der Eigenwahrnehmung gibt es noch die Fremdwahrnehmung. Oder, in diesem Fall, das argwöhnische gegenseitige Beäugen: Die humorlosen deutschen Piefkes, die hinterwäldlerischen Ösis. Ist da was dran?

Kay von Aspern und Christian Reister lassen es auf einen Versuch ankommen. In ihrer ersten gemeinsamen Ausstellung zeigen sie besondere und besonders abseitige Momente, Begegnungen, Fundstücke und Zwischentöne des Lebens in den beiden so unterschiedlichen Metropolen. Welches Foto aus welcher Stadt stammt, lassen die beiden Fotografen jedoch offen und geben dem Publikum damit die Gelegenheit, nach Besonderheiten, verräterischen Details und dem vermeintlichen Lebensgefühl zu suchen, das die Straßen durchweht – oder auch nicht.

Seit vielen Jahren forografieren Kay von Aspern (Wien) und Christian Reister (Berlin) den Alltag in den Städten, in denen sie leben. Beide sind Mitglieder des Straßenfotografie-Kollektivs Seconds2Real und haben ihre Fotos bei zahlreichen Einzel- und Gruppenausstellungen gezeigt. Begleitend zu den Ausstellungen in Berlin und Wien wird ein Fotoband mit Texten von Andrea Diener und Nick Turpin erscheinen.

Exhibitions 2013 – Update

Feel invited and save the dates…

NEW YORKERS at playing with eels
9.2. – 8.3. // Vernissage THIS FRIDAY, 8.2. 19h
live guest: Andreas Albrecht // Urban Soundscapes
more infos // facebook event page

REISTER + VON ASPERN: Berlin <=> Wien
Berlin exhibition at Burjuar
2.3. – 22.3. // Vernissage 1.3. 19 h
Vienna exhibition at Eigensinnig – Schauraum für Mode und Fotografie
2.5. – 1.6. // Vernissage 30.4. 19 h

NACHT at Hotel Bogota photoplatz, Kabinett
27.4. – end of May // Vernissage 25. OR 26.4. 19 Uhr

7.6. – September // Vernissage: 6.6. 19 h

+ something in Arles, France, in June.

Exhibitions 2013

I’m looking forward to some exhibition dates in the first half of 2013. The first one will be a group show „Der Raum dazwischen“ (the space inbetween) opening at Jan, 25th, at Kugelbahn Wedding. All I know is that there will be pictures of beds and portraits, every photographer is represented with just two photographs. As it is organized by the lovely Hanna Goldstein and Katja Klemm who are also responsible for the KLEISTER events, I think we can expect a stunning show and a nice opening party.

At Feb. 8th there will be the opening for a one month solo exhibition at playing with eels Gallery in Berlin Kreuzberg with my new street portrait series NEW YORKERS. I’m currenty working on the prints and I’m very enthusiastic about them.

NEW YORKERS @ playing with eels

One month later, on the 1st of March, my friend and Seconds2Real mate Kay von Aspern and I will open a joint exhibition with street photography from Berlin and Vienna at Burjuar which is located at the Neue Schule Für Fotografie in Berlin Mitte. We are planning to publish a catalogue along with the exhibition that will also be shown in Vienna just one month later.

Also, there are plans for a first solo exhibition of my NACHT series and another solo one that will be titled „Berlin Trilogy“ combining extracts from ALEX, NACHT and other Berlin work. Those dates are not finally confirmed but if we are lucky they will be also running in the first half of 2013.

Of course all details about all events will be posted here.
Stay tuned + happy new year!

Off to Hamburg

I’m looking forward to a few days of strolling through the city of Hamburg. Part of the visit will be the Saul Leiter exhibition, of course. I’ve just run a little research and found those fine links about the event. I’m also going to meet two fellows from Seconds2Real and a quite well known photographer for an interview. And of course I’ll be walking the streets looking for some good pictures to find me. Like this one that I got when I was there last time.